Are you are experiencing a current life transition? Perhaps you’ve experienced a death, a significant relationship change, or a new job or home. Maybe you are leaving a faith tradition or stepping into a new life stage. Or perhaps you simply want to intentionally mark this transition into a new year and are desiring kind witnesses & guidance.
Welcome. This is a space for you.
This group is for you if…
You are experiencing a current life transition
You are able to commit to attending each group for the month (total of 4 sessions). This helps create safety and connection for the group.
Each week, we will engage a prompt that interacts with the following themes:
Week 1 - Thresholds
Week 2 - Grief
Week 3- Desire
Week 4 - Honor
Prompts include things like considering a specific story from your life that has similar themes to what you are currently experiencing, paying attention to your dreams, and nature walks. During the group, we will spend time processing your transition by talking, exploring your past stories that you bring, engaging in ritual together, personal reflection, and somatic (body-based) practices such as deep breathing and movement.
Week 1 - Thresholds
Week 2 - Grief
Week 3- Desire
Week 4 - Honor
Fee is $50/session, or reduced one-time payment of $150.
Group is on hiatus - dates for Winter 2025 posted soon.
I’m not sure what comes to your mind when you think of thresholds, but I picture the middle part of a doorway, that in-between space where you have left something, but not yet entered into the new place. Another word for that is liminal space.
In the Celtic tradition, thresholds are places of blessing and transition, and ancient Celtic mothers practiced blessing the new space each time they left or entered through the door. Babies were birthed in the threshold. Lovers crossed the threshold into a new partnered life. Bodies were carried over the threshold to be buried.
Often we find ourselves in times of significant transition, without rituals or community that can help us honor what is past. Funerals, weddings, and graduations are all rituals that mark events that also impact our identity, but perhaps you are finding yourself in a different transition that is just as significant, without community rituals that can help create meaning and support. Or perhaps your transition is directly connected to an identity shift, such as a gender transition, name change, or new role. These are liminal spaces that need kind witnesses who can lead us into grief, honor, and anticipation.
Transitions can be incredibly exciting, but also deeply overwhelming. It is vital that we have ways to create meaning and establish new rhythms as we move through transition. This group is a way to experience stable connection as you encounter yourself in a new way at this life threshold. We will tell the story of the past, and look towards the future, while finding care in this in-between space.